A | | | |
Albrecht, Anja | Administrative Staff | N/A | N/A |
Andersen, Dr. Gaby | Senior Researcher | 1.09.1 | 08161 71-2930 |
Axthelm, Alexandra | Technical Assistant | O.52 | 08161 71-2926 |
B | | | |
Bauer, Julia | Technical Assistant | 1.22.3 | 08161 71-2743 |
Bauersachs, Eva | Science Management | 1.01.3 | 08161 71-2722 |
Behr, Dr. Jürgen | Head of Subunit Technology Facility T1 | 1.12.5 | 08161 71-2946 |
Behrens, PD Dr. Maik | Head of Research Group in Research Section RS2 | 1.17.2 | 08161 71-2987 |
Benaglia, Matteo | PhD Student | E. 35 | 08161 71-2940 |
Benthin, Julia | PhD Student | 1.15.1 | 08161 71-2727 |
Bichlmaier, Coline | PhD Student | E.47 | 08161 71-2924 |
Bock, Julia | Technical Assistant | E.35 | 08161 71-2940 |
Boden, Eva | Technical Assistant | 1.17.3 | 08161 71-2741 |
Boger, Valerie | Senior Researcher | 1.15.1 | 08161 71-2727 |
C | | | |
D | | | |
Danzer, Barbara | PhD Student | 1.15.1 | 08161 71-2727 |
Das, Arya | PhD Student | 1.18.1 | 08161 71-2732 |
Delaporte, Catherine | Technical Assistant | 1.17.3 | 08161 71-2741 |
Di Pizio, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Antonella | Head of Research Group in Research Section RS3 | O.04 | 08161 71-6516 |
dos Santos Natividade, Rita | Senior Researcher | 1.15.1 | 08161 71-2727 |
Dukat-Bauer, Kama | Assistant to the Administrative Director | E.10 | 08161 71-2928 |
Dunkel, Dr. Andreas | Head of Research Group in Research Section RS3 & Head of Subunit Technology Facility T3 | 1.02.2 | 08161 71-2903 |
Duria, David | Technical Assistant | 1.18.2 | 08161 71-2702 |
E | | | |
Erbe, Julia | Administrative Staff | E. 15 | 08161 71-2956 |
F | | | |
Ferri, Francesco | PhD Student | O.08 | 08161 71-2780 |
Frank, Dr. Stephanie | Head of Subunit Technology Facility T2 | E.19 | 08161 71-2990 |
Fröhlich, Sonja | PhD Student | O.52 | 08161 71-2925 |
G | | | |
Geißlitz, Dr. Sabrina | Senior Researcher | O.19 | 08161 71-2975 |
Giridhar, Dr. Maya | Senior Researcher | 1.12.1 | 08161 71-2756 |
Gnegel, Simone | Administrative Staff | E. 16 | 08161 71-2955 |
Gradl, Katrin | PhD Student | 1.09.1 | 08161 71-2717 |
Graßl, Angelika | Technical Assistant | E.49 | 08161 71-2945 |
H | | | |
Hackl, Stefanie | Technical Assistant | O.52 | 08161 71-2926 |
Henker, Christopher | Student Trainee IT-Support | O.20 | 08161 71-2726 |
Herrmann, Kim | Assistant to the Head of Research Group "Molecular Modeling" and "Food Biopolymer Chemistry" | O.06 | 08161 71-2953 |
Hoffmann, Sandra | Technical Assistant | 1.22.3 | 08161 71-2743 |
Hopf, Ronja | PhD student | 1.18.1 | 08161 71-2732 |
I | | | |
Istvánffy, Sharon | PhD student | 1.18.1 | 08161 71-2732 |
K | | | |
Kahlenberg, Kristin | Technical Assistant | 1.03.2 | 08161 71-2737 |
Kammermeier, Corinna | Technical Assistant | 1.22.3 | 08161 71-2743 |
Karanth, Dr. Sanjai | Senior Researcher | 1.22.1 | 08161 71-2716 |
Kaviani-Nejad, Sami | Technical Assistant | U.22 | 08161 71-2998 |
Kirchmann, Inge | Technical Assistant | E.39 | 08161 71-2942 |
Klein, Annette | Administrative Staff | E.06 | 08161 71-2984 |
Kogut-Günthel, Dr. Malgorzata | Senior Researcher | O.09 | 08161 71-6517 |
Köhler, Dr. Melanie | Head of Junior Research Group in Research Section RS2 | 1.24.1 | 08161 71-2745 |
Krause, Franziska | PhD Student | O.19 | 08161 71-2975 |
Krautwurst, PD Dr. Dietmar | Officer for Genetic Engineering & Biodiversity | 1.22.2 | 08161 71-2634 |
Kreißl, Dr. Johanna | Head of Subunit Technology Facility T2 | E.17 | 08161 71-2994 |
Kumar, Dr. Praveen | Senior Researcher | 1.22.1 | 08161 71-2985 |
L | | | |
Lang, Dr. Roman | Head of Subunit Technology Facility T2 | O.18 | 08161 71-2978 |
Lang, Tatjana | Senior Researcher | 1.12.1 | 08161 71-2725 |
Le, Hung | PhD Student | E.49 | 08161 71-2945 |
Lexhaller, Dr. Barbara | Senior Researcher | O.19 | 08161 71-2975 |
Lorenz, Kim | Senior Researcher | E.44 | 08161 71-2943 |
M | | | |
Mahfoudh, Pinar | Administrative Staff | E.16 | 08161 71-2929 |
Mall, Dr. Veronika | Senior Researcher | E.17 | 08161 71-2904 |
Matern, Anja | Technical Assistant | E.34 | 08161 71-2939 |
Meißner, Alexandra | Technical Assistant | E.34 | 08161 71-2939 |
Metzger, Michaela | Administrative Staff | E.15 | 08161 71-2983 |
Michel, Timm | PhD Student | 1.18.1 | 08161 71-2732 |
Minig, Charlotte | PhD Student | E.39 | 08161 71-2941 |
Moßburger, Johanna | PhD Student | E.47 | 08161 71-2924 |
Müller, Alina | PhD Student | 1.03.2 | 08161 71-2737 |
Müller, Daniel | PhD Student | E.45 | 08161 71-2944 |
N | | | |
Nicoli, Alessandro | PhD Student | O.09 | 08161 71-6517 |
O | | | |
Olias, Dr. Gisela | Public Relations & Knowledge Transfer | 1.09.2 | 08161 71-2980 |
Orth, Noreen | PhD Student | 1.15.1 | 08161 71-2727 |
P | | | |
Palacino Chacon, Valeria | PhD Student | 1.03.2 | 08161 71-2737 |
Paraskevopoulou, Aikaterina | Senior Researcher | E.34 | 08161 71-2939 |
Paul, Michael | Administrative Director | E.11 | 08161 71-2986 |
Pech, Katrin | Administrative Staff | E.06 | 08161 71-2988 |
R | | | |
Ranner, Katharina | Administrative Staff | E.25 | 08161 71-2947 |
Reglitz, Dr. Klaas | Head of Subunit Technology Facility T1 | E.17 | 08161 71-2931 |
Richter, Phil | PhD Student | 1.09.1 | 08161 71-2932 |
Riedmaier, Monika | Technical Assistant | E.39 | 08161 71-2942 |
S | | | |
Sabzalipoor, Dr. Hamed | Senior Researcher | 1.22.1 | 08161 71-2985 |
Santhosh, Santra | PhD Student | 1.18.1 | 08161 71-2732 |
Schäfer, Silvia | PhD Student | 1.18.1 | 08161 71-2732 |
Scherf, Prof. Dr. Katharina | Head of Research Group in Research Section RS1 | O.10 | 08161 71-2719 |
Schiesser, Katharina | Technical Assistant | O.23 | 08161 71-2934 |
Sebald, Dr. Karin | Scientific Assistant to the Director | 1.02.1 | 08161 71-2721 |
Shi, Jin-Rui | PhD Student | E.44 | 08161 71-2943 |
Somoza, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mark | Head of Research Group in Research Section RS1 | 1.17.1 | 08161 71-2723 |
Somoza, Prof. Dr. Veronika | Scientific Director & Chair of the Board of Directors | 1.01.2 | 08161 71-2700 |
Stein, Jörg | Technical Assistant | E.37 | 08161 71-2941 |
Steinhaus, PD Dr. Martin | Speaker of Research Section RS1 & Head of Research Group in RS1 | O.07 | 08161 71-2991 |
Steinhaus, Dr. Petra | Senior Researcher | E.19 | 08161 71-2952 |
Sterneder, Sonja | Senior Researcher | 1.15.1 | 08161 71-2727 |
Steuer, Alexandra | PhD Student | O.09 | 08161 71-6517 |
Sun, Yulu | PhD Student | E.44 | 08161 71-2944 |
T | | | |
Tomanova-Stupka, Adriana | Administrative Staff | E.25 | 08161 71-2958 |
V | | | |
Volkhardt-Rouse, Silke | Assistant to the Scientific Director | 1.01.3 | 08161 71-2720 |
W | | | |
Wang, Xingjie | PhD Student | E.39 | 08161 71-2942 |
Wiesenfarth, Marina | PhD Student | 1.03.2 | 08161 71-2737 |
Wolkenhauer, Prof. Dr. Olaf | Speaker of Research Section RS3 & Head of Research Group in RS3 (ad interim) | O.10 | 0171 7410731 |
| | | |