Profile Dr. Stephanie Frank
Consumers’ food and beverage selection is mainly driven by sensory aspects to which odor-active compounds make the most crucial contribution. Using state-of-the-art MOLECULAR SENSORY SCIENCE approaches including automated solvent-assisted flavor evaporation (aSAFE) for the artifact-avoiding isolation of food volatiles, gas chromatography–olfactometry (GC–O) for the differentiation of odorants from the bulk of odorless volatiles, and sensory tests to rank the odorants according to their importance, our team identifies the KEY ODORANTS in foods and beverages. Quantitation of the key odorants along the food value chain allows us to identify the crucial parameters influencing the sensory quality on the levels of agriculture, processing, and storage. Optimization of these parameters finally results in foods and beverages with improved quality and increased EATING PLEASURE for the consumer.
Since 2017 | Senior research scientist at the Leibniz-LSB@TUM |
Senior Researcher - Section I - Sensory Systems Chemistry | |
2014−2017 | Senior research scientist at the German Research Center for Food Chemistry |
2013 | PhD in Food Chemistry at the TUM |
2008−2013 | Research scientist at the German Research Center for Food Chemistry |
2003−2007 | Studies in Food Chemistry at the TUM |
- Lecturer in Food Chemistry at the TUM
- Deputy member of the examination board of the master’s course Food Chemistry at the TUM
- Disposal manager of the Leibniz-LSB@TUM
- Permanent university lectureship; Chemie, Technologie und Analytik von Futtermitteln; Course for graduate students in Food Chemistry at the TUM
- Mentoring of students, bachelor students, masters students, PhD students, and guest scientists
- Untersuchungen zur Bildung von Benzol aus Benzaldehyd mit dem Ziel der Minimierung bei der Aromenherstellung und der Verarbeitung und Lagerung aromatisierter Produkte; Supported by the German Ministry of Economics and Energy (via AiF) and the FEI; Project AiF 18813 N
- Evaluierung von Nicht-Saccharomyces-Hefen für die Diversifizierung des Bieraromas; Supported by the German Ministry of Economics and Energy (via AiF) and the Wifö; Project AiF 20658 N
(selection; cf. ORCID for a complete list)
Frank, S.; Wollmann, N.; Schieberle, P.; Hofmann, T. Reconstitution of the flavor signature of Dornfelder red wine on the basis of the natural concentrations of its key aroma and taste compounds. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2011, 59, 8866−8874. DOI: 10.1021/jf202169h.
Frank, S.; Schieberle, P. Correlation between the concentrations of two oak derived key odorants and the intensity of a woody- “barrique-type” odor note in different red wines. In: Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine. Ebeler, S.E.; Takeoka, G.R.; Winterhalter, P. (Eds.). American Chemical Society, ACS Symposium series, 2011, 1081, pp. 165−173. Print ISBN: 978-0-8412-2670-8.
Frank, S.; Schieberle, P. Influence of the manufacturing process on changes in the concentrations of selected key aroma compounds of Dornfelder red wine. In: Flavour Science. Proceedings from 13th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium. Ferreira, V.; Lopez, R. (Eds.). Academic Press, Elsevier, 2014, pp. 165−168. Print ISBN: 978-0-12-398549-1.
Frank, S.; Vocke, M.; Schieberle, P. Changes in key odorants from corn to Bourbon whiskey. In: Current Topics in Flavor Chemistry & Biology. Proceedings of the 10th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology. Hofmann, T.; Krautwurst, D.; Schieberle, P. (Eds.). Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Lebensmittelchemie, 2014, pp. 395−398. Print ISBN: 978-3-938896-79-2.
Frank, S.; Koppmann, T.; Schieberle, P. Model study on changes in key aroma compounds of Dornfelder red wine induced by treatment with toasted French oak chips (Q. robur). In: Advances in Wine Research. Ebeler, S.E.; Sacks, G.; Vidal, S.; Winterhalter, P. (Eds.). American Chemical Society, ACS Symposium series, 2015, 1203, pp. 123−130. Print ISBN: 978-0-8412-3010-1.
Frank, S.; Hofmann, T.; Schieberle, P. Quantitation of benzene in flavourings and liquid foods containing added cherry-type flavour by a careful work-up procedure followed by a stable isotope dilution assay. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 2019, 245, 1605−1610. DOI: 10.1007/s00217-019-03267-3.
Frank, S.; Dunkel, A.; Schieberle, P. Model studies on benzene formation from benzaldehyde. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 2020, 246, 901−908. DOI: 10.1007/s00217-020-03455-6.
Frank, S.; Schieberle, P. Untersuchungen zur Bildung von Benzol aus Benzaldehyd – Aromaforschung für den Verbraucherschutz. Chem. Unserer Zeit 2020, 54, 397−401. DOI: 10.1002/ciuz.202000042.
Frank, S.; Reglitz, K.; Mall, V.; Morgenstern, U.; Steinhaus, M. Molecular background of the undesired odor of polypropylene materials and insights into the sources of key odorants. Indoor Air 2021, 31, 1038−1049. DOI: 10.1111/ina.12821.