Miscellaneous Events
We participate in or organize ourselves various events for the public to present our research.

The Thinking Game
Save the Date for an Exciting Movie Evening at TUM School of Life Sciences!
Love a good movie? Then join us for a special screening of “The Thinking Game” on Thursday, January 30th, 2025, in lecture hall 16, at 4 pm.
The Thinking Game offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of DeepMind, one of the leading AI labs, as it tackles the challenge of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Follow Demis Hassabis and his team as they strive to create AI that rivals or surpasses human abilities across a wide range of tasks. Filmed over five years, this documentary takes you behind the scenes of DeepMind's breakthroughs, including the revolutionary AlphaFold, which solved a 50-year-old mystery in biology.
The screening is hosted by the team of Prof. Dr. Antonella Di Pizio, head of the Molecular Modeling research group at the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology and Professor of Chemoinformatics and Protein Modelling at TUM. Her work focuses on using computer simulations to accelerate chemical and biological research in food science.
Please note: This is a free event, but registration via eveeno is required.
Registration link:https://eveeno.com/258923290
Don’t miss this exciting evening of film and science!
Location: Campus Weihenstephan, Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 6, 85354 Freising; nav.tum.de/room/4214.EG.010
Appointment Procedure “Chemosensory Food Systems”: Invitation to the Public Lectures
Invitation to the public lectures in the framework of the appointment procedure “Chemosensory Food Systems” in combination with Director of the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at TUM.
Participation is possible on Friday, 13 December 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in lecture hall 1 (building 4102; Alte Akademie 8, Freising).

First joint science slam of the research institutions in Freising
Science presented in an entertaining way
On Thursday, November 7, 2024, the city of Freising can look forward to a very special highlight: the first joint science slam of the five leading research institutions in Freising in the Lindenkeller!
Scientists from the Weihenstephan campus will present their research in entertaining, understandable and humorous short lectures. The Technical University of Munich (TUM), the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT), the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL), the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (Fraunhofer IVV) and, of course, the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich (Leibniz-LSB@TUM) are also taking part.
Cooperation partners are the MINT-Region Freising/Curiocity gGmbH and the city of Freising.
The Science Slam combines scientific precision with creative presentation and invites the audience to actively participate in deciding who gives the best talk of the evening.
Admissionis at 6:00 p.m. in the Unterhaus of the Lindenkeller, and the competition starts at 7:00 p.m.
Further information on booking can be found at: https://curio-city.de/science-slam-freising/

“Book a Scientist” - Speed dating with science
If you don't ask, you'll stay stupid – Sesame Street knew that already. At “Book a Scientist”, you have the chance to talk to a Leibniz Association expert online for 25 minutes and ask everything you always wanted to know about your favorite topic. This year, researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich in Freising will also be available to talk to.
When does “Book a Scientist” take place?
The next edition of Book a Scientist will take place on October 15, 2024. To book a personal expert discussion, sign up for the Leibniz Association's event mailing list at veranstaltungen(at)leibniz-gemeinschaft.de.
You will then receive an invitation in good time with the current offers for “Book a Scientist” discussions.
You will soon be able to find out which topics and experts are available from the Leibniz Association at: www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/ueber-uns/neues/veranstaltungen/book-a-scientist.
These include the three topics of the Freising team of experts:
Bittergeschmack: Was Sie schon immer wissen wollten / Expert: PD Dr. Maik Behrens
Getreideproteine: Von Gluten bis Zöliakie / Expert: Dr. Barbara Lexhaller
Tauchen Sie ein, in die faszinierende Welt der Weinaromen / Expert: Dr. Stephanie Frank

Münchner Wissenschaftstage from June 28 to 30, 2024
at the Verkehrszentrum des Deutschen Museums
Opening hours & directions:https://forscha.de/fo/besucher#anfahrt
We from Leibniz-LSB@TUM will be there. Visit our booth in hall 1
![[Translate to Englisch:] Ankündigung zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024 in Berlin](/fileadmin/_processed_/5/8/csm_LNDW_2024_Ank%C3%BCndigung_79fc0b674e.png)
Curious yet? The program for the Long Night of the Sciences on 22 June 2024 in Berlin is finally here!
It's almost time: a large number of scientific and science-related institutions are inviting you to take a look behind the scenes at the Long Night of the Sciences (LNDW). You can now find out what there is to discover in the full program of the LNDW 2024 www.langenachtderwissenschaften.de/programm.
The Leibniz-LSB@TUM will also be there, presenting its research content at the booth of the Leibniz Research Network "Green Nutrition - Healthy Society" at the Leibniz Head Office in Berlin.
Hands-on experiments and information stand
Global food systems are crucial for the health of people and the planet. However, the constantly growing world population and climate change pose major challenges. The Leibniz research network "Green Nutrition - Healthy Society" is developing scientific solutions for the transition to optimal and sustainable nutrition. Three of the partner institutes provide an insight into their exciting projects: the German Institute of Human Nutrition, the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops and the Leibniz-LSB@TUM.

11th Cocoa Round Table from June 13 to 14, 2024
Speaker from Leibniz-LSB@TUM:
Dr. Andreas Dunkel, head of the research group Integrative Food Systems Analysis & Head of the Technology Department Databases at the Leibniz-LSB@TUM, will give a lecture together with Dr. Darin Sukha from the Cocoa Research Centre, Trinidad & Tobago on the topic: The Trinidad Cocoa Flavour Map: impact of genetics, microbiology and postharvest manipulation, captured through metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, on sensomics in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.).
PD Dr. Martin Steinhaus, head of the research group Food Metabolome Chemistry at the Leibniz-LSB@TUM, will give a lecture on the topic: Einfluss von Fermentation, Trocknung und Lagerung auf die Bildung wichtiger Fehlaromasubstanzen in Kakao: Was sind die zentralen Parameter?
Read more: www.rundertischkakao.de

AgScience-on-Tap and HEF Academy in the summer semester
AgScience on tap deals with "Sustainable Food Production & Nutrition" in the summer semester.
The lectures will take place at Furtnerbräu Freising (Obere Hauptstrasse).
29. April 2024 / 19 Uhr | Alternative Proteins: Challenges and Opportunities / Prof. Özlem Özmutlu Karslioglu / HSWT |
29. Mai 2024 / 19 Uhr | Agriculture and nutrition for healthier people on a healthier planet / Dr. Martin Kussmann / Kompetenzzentrum für Ernährung (KErn) |
5. Juni 2024 / 19 Uhr | How will chocolate taste in the year 2100: Sustainable food production in times of climate change / Dr. Andreas Dunkel / Leibniz-Institut für Lebensmittel-Systembiologie |
26. Juni 2024 / 19 Uhr | Sustainability in global food and agricultural systems / Prof. Livia Cabernard / TUM |

"Freisinger Ernährungsdialog": Active Against Food Waste
Panel Discussion and Information Market
An exciting round with expert knowledge to lasting nutrition and also for the avoidance of food waste expects the visitors: the second Freisinger nourishing dialogue on 19 October at 7 pm in the Lindenkeller will offer again the whole range at specialized knowledge. Because still it is for example the households and not the food industry, which destroy most food in Germany. Thus, more than 18 million tons of valuable food end up in the garbage can every year.
The Leibniz-LSB@TUM participates with an information booth and presents the new edition of the "Kleiner Souci-Fachmann-Kraut" - Lebensmitteltabelle für die Praxis.
The Freising Nutrition Dialogue is a joint event of the vhs Freising and EIT Food Central, Europe's largest innovation network for nutrition, and is supported by the city of Freising.
The event is sponsored by the Bayerische Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus.

Book a Scientist: Speed Dating with Science
Soon it will be time again: The Leibniz Association has an exciting offer for all those who are curious and thirsty for knowledge: "Book a Scientist".
Book a Scientist" gives you the opportunity to talk to a Leibniz expert for 25 minutes and ask everything you ever wanted to know about your favorite topic.
Book your interview with the expert of your choice now and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of science! Secure your appointment before seats are taken.
Time and format:
The individual, 25-minute one-on-one meetings will take place online on September 12, 2023, in two time slots: from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. and from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Secure your personal "date" with a bright mind from the Leibniz Association now!
To participate in a free, virtual conversation with a Leibniz expert, simply select an appointment from the extensive range of topics at www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/ueber-uns/neues/veranstaltungen/book-a-scientist-buchungsseite. Already booked appointments are highlighted in gray. If you have any questions about booking or the procedure, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at veranstaltungen@leibniz-gemeinschaft.de.
Under the heading: "Gesundheit, Alter & Ernährung", researchers of the Leibniz-LSB@TUM offer the following topics:
Taste: What You Always Wanted to Know (PD Dr. Maik Behrens)
Things to Know About Craft Beer and Natural Beer Flavors (Dr. Klaas Reglitz)

AChemS Career Networking Seminar
Exploring Extranasal Odorant Receptors
Thursday, February 16, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
More information: achems.org/web/seminars-register.php
Odorant receptors (ORs) are expressed not only in the olfactory epithelium but also play important roles in extranasal tissues. However, a poor understanding of OR ligands has restricted our ability to fully explore the extranasal role of these receptors. Here, we will discuss efforts to better understand both OR ligands and extranasal OR functions.
Ligands of Odorant Receptors Outside the Odor Space
Antonella Di Pizio, Ph.D.
In Silico Biology and Machine Learning
Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich
Unexpected Roles for Extranasal Odorant Receptors
Jen Pluznick, Ph.D.
Dept of Physiology
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Book a Scientist
Now it's that time again: The Leibniz Association wants to make an exciting offer to all curious and thirsty for knowledge with the upcoming "Book a Scientist" event onNovember 8, 2022: Book your exclusive, virtual appointment with Leibniz scientists. In personal conversations, Leibniz researchers will provide insight into their topics and everyday work, answer your individual questions, and look forward to exchanging ideas with you.
Individual talks can be booked now
You can now reserve 25-minute one-on-one talks with a Leibniz expert. To do so, click on an available appointment of your choice on the Book a Scientist website https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/bookascientist and then enter your contact details and already one or two questions on the topic, so that our scientists know what you might be particularly interested in.
The offer is free of charge. The conversations take place virtually.
Book your "date" with a bright mind and choose from over 120 topics for your conversation.
You can find all topics and dates here: https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/bookascientist
Female scientists from Freising participate as experts
Dr. Melanie Köhler and Dr. Stephanie Frank from the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich (LSB) are also participating as experts.

High-ranking visitors expected at "Food Science Day"
Freising 04 August 2022 - The Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich is very pleased to welcome high-ranking guests from science and politics on the occasion of its "Food Science Day".
10th Roundtable Cocoa, June 02-03, 2022:
Food System Cocoa - Unraveling Key Drivers and their Impact on Cocoa Bean Quality.
Speakers from the LSB:
PD Dr. Martin Steinhaus, Head of Section I (ad interim) and Head of the Research Group: Food Metabolome Chemistry at LSB; he will speak on June 02 on the topic: Smoky, moldy, coconutty - atypical aroma notes in cocoa, the molecules behind them and their formation.
Andreas Dunkel, head of the Research Group: Integrative Food Systems Analysis and Databases; he will speak on June 03 on the topic: Systems biology of cocoa - a holistic and integrative approach to modeling cocoa bean and chocolate quality
Read more: www.rundertischkakao.de

3. bis 5. Mai: Watertop's Training School am Leibniz-LSB@TUM
Starting now! Watertop's Training School "Advanced GC-MS techniques for water taste & odor analysis" at Leibniz-LSB@TUM.

"Book a scientist" has started again
To all those curious and thirsty for knowledge, we want to make an exciting offer with the upcoming "Book a Scientist" on November 10, 2021: Book your exclusive, virtual conversation also with three of our LSB researchers. They will provide insight into their research topics and their everyday work, answer your individual questions and look forward to exchanging ideas with you.
You can find the approx. 130 topics offered by the Leibniz Association as well as dates here:
To reserve a talk, write an email to veranstaltungen(at)leibniz-gemeinschaft.de stating your name, the topic you have chosen and the time slot you would like to attend. You will receive a confirmation email if the appointment is still available. You are also welcome to send us already one or two questions that you are particularly interested in regarding the chosen topic. The offer is free of charge. The discussions take place virtually. Some talks are also offered in English.

June 15, 2019: Long Night of Sciences in Berlin
From 5 p.m. to midnight the Leibniz-LSB@TUM will present some of its current research results in cooperation with the Leibniz Research Alliance "Sustainable Food Production and Healthy Nutrition" at the headquarter of the Leibniz Association in Berlin.
Girls'Day 2019 at the Leibniz-LSB@TUM
on 28 March 2019
Learn more about the working world of a bioinformatician.

Visit our Booth at the 18th Public Science Days in Munich
Our topic: Working World Food Research 4.0
Over the last century food research has changed considerably. This change was accompanied by a rapid development of novel research methods and technologies. Food research 4.0 means that researchers at Leibniz-LSB@TUM are combining latest methods of biomolecular basic research and bioinformatics with high-performance analytic technologies. In doing so, they pursue a systems biology approach superior to classical food chemistry. In the future, food research 4.0 will help to supply the population with sustainably produced food and to ensure a healthy, enjoyable diet. Last but not least, it will allow us to develop novel individual nutritional concepts for people suffering from food intolerances or other diet-related diseases.
Visit our booth from 10 to 13 November 2018 at the old congress hall in Munich and inform yourself about our research. Find out more about hereditary differences in odor perception, learn more about recent findings on wheat sensitivity or get an answer to the question: Do flavors play a role in human immune defence?

Open House Day 2018
Visit our Institute in Freising/Weihenstephan
This is your chance to experience science and research up close and personal – in the anniversary year 2018 at all TUM locations. At the open house day, from 11 am to 5 pm, we invite you to visit also our Institute providing fascinating insights into our research. Join us to test your chemical senses!

June 9, 2018: Long Night of Sciences in Berlin
From 5 to 12 pm, at the Long Night of Sciences in Berlin, scientists of the Leibniz-LSB@TUM presented their research together with partners from the Leibniz Research Alliance "Sustainable Food Production and Healthy Nutrition" at the Headquarter of the Leibniz Association.
At the booth of the Leibniz-LSB@TUM it was all about the questions: Is gluten generally harmful to health? Is spelt easier to digest than wheat? Are old wheat varieties better than new ones? Questions that the Leibniz-LSB@TUM scientists, together with colleagues from the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research in Gatersleben are pursuing together in the "Wheatscan" project.